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QuiverTech Challenge 1.0

Welcome to StackOverflow. Stackoverflow is a repository of Questions and Answers. It's the developers bible to figuring out bugs/errors. You can paste your issue in the search button and go through ...
Daquiver's user avatar
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http_request_metric is not being exposed by our services

i have to list the most popular services based on the api calls made to them respectively . we use Prometheus as data source . but our services are not exposing http_requests_total metric. nor any ...
Bunty7's user avatar
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getting error on nopcommerce login page "Value cannot be null "parameter ('customer')"

System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'customer') at Nop.Core.Domain.Customers.CustomerExtensions.IsSearchEngineAccount(Customer customer) in /home/vsts/work/1/s/src/...
Jeet Raythatha's user avatar
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How to Convert data in an CSV or excel file to .elf file?

I'm working on a project where i want to place a elf file in controller flash memory. I wanted to know if there is a way to convert my csv file to an elf format. Which i would use with my bootloader ...
Andrew Godson's user avatar
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Algorithm: How to solve this question using a range tree?

Question: we’re given n treasures t1, ..., tn in the plane. Each treasure ti has an associated value vi. Your task is to design an algorithm that returns the location of an axis-aligned k × k square ...
麦旋风超好吃's user avatar
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how to show product categories in WhatsApp catalog using facebook commerce manager

I am building a e-commerce platform in WhatsApp. using WhatsApp Bussiness API. I created and connected the catalog using facebook commerce manager. but I could not able to display the categorized ...
Hari's user avatar
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client_is_modern return self.environ['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].upper() != 'HTTP/0.9' TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

{ "error": "Input nbnb.csv of type: <class 'django.core.files.uploadedfile.InMemoryUploadedFile'> is not supported." } if not self.origin_server or self.client_is_modern(): ...
Anjana R Nair's user avatar
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Three dots not covering full background

I am trying to cover dots will cover when the page will change but in my current code it is working like indivisual dot I am sharing code and screenshots of current and require UI. enter image ...
Shubham Sonar's user avatar
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Babel/Parcel throwing "This experimental syntax requires enabling the parser plugin: 'optionalChaining'" on build - ReactFlow

This error, as well as nullishCoalescingOperator is being thrown when I try to build my app using parcel, which contains the React Flow library. Each error is being caught when transpiling the library ...
jed101's user avatar
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Which is the more reliable, scalable, efficient and secure way for elasticstack in production

Is in the Production Every component of elasticstack should be as a single docker container or the whole elasticstack should be on against the host machine which is the better and optimal way to ...
Karan's user avatar
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Could not generating multiple excel sheet tab in a RLDC report using ASP.NET Core

I have an APS.NET Core Web API application. I can generate excel file from my application but cannot export excel file with multiple excel sheet such as sheet1, sheet2. I want to achieve this as like ...
Yeasin Ahmed's user avatar
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Can we display an element, especially Canvas elements, in a picture-in-picture (PIP) window outside of the browser like a video element?

Can we display an element, especially Canvas elements, in a picture-in-picture (PIP) window outside of the browser like a video element? I hope the Canvas element can be displayed like a picture-in-...
Finn's user avatar
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Using Components with Buildless

I copied the buildless example from the SolidJS docs then added the simplest possible custom component to it (jsfiddle): <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <script type="...
spinkus's user avatar
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If the SDK isn't collecting user data, do we still need to include a privacy manifest into the iOS SDK project?

Presently, we are implementing a Bluetooth iOS SDK, which does not gather user data or tracking user data. Therefore, my inquiry is whether it's necessary to include a privacy manifest in the iOS SDK ...
S.D.Adrian's user avatar
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Any way to get all transaction done from a UPI ID

im trying to make an app around getting transaction history from upi ids and let user knows where they spend the most in a good UI But im not sure does Unified Payment Interface/NPCI allows to get ...
Indie Dev's user avatar
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How to fetch the key size of an azure key vault existing key?

I created a key in azure key vault programmatically using Java SDK. Response<KeyVaultKey> createKeyResponse = keyClient.createRsaKeyWithResponse(new CreateRsaKeyOptions(id) ...
Vishal Poddar's user avatar
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Stanford NLP Annotation pipeline.annotate resulting into OutOfMemoryError in Java

So we are using Stanford NLP to annotate input text, and these input texts are laughably small. Below is one example of the same. "Can you give me details about Mohammad Siva John with ...
Siva's user avatar
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Iframe Redirection and troubleshooting problems

Trouble Redirecting Iframe Content: Seeking Assistance I am using tinysearch for local .html files search engine. The links work no problem with the basic demo setup. So I wanted to indirectly ...
L3arning's user avatar
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how validate allow characters & special character but not allow number with character or number in kotlin

fun main() { val regex = Regex("^[a-zA-Z\\s!@#\$%^&*()-_=+\\\\|\\[{\\]};:'\",<.>/?]*\$") val names = listOf("John Doe", ".Smith", "Alice.", &...
Krishna Dhas's user avatar
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Why "static" specifier generates an external definition for inline function?

In C99 standard for inline specifier(6.7.4 paragraph 6) it states: "If all of the file scope declarations for a function in a translation unit include the inline function specifier without ...
Faraway's user avatar
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Getting error Executed 'Functions.main' failed in azure logs after deployment

We are using azure functions and azure devops for deployment, Even after deploymment successful. We are getting error as follows [Error] Executed 'Functions.main' (Failed, Id=5fe176d9-9244-4efa-92fd-...
Akash Bagali's user avatar
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Automating detection and measurement of drip irrigation pipes

I am working with drone images to automate some data extraction from them. I want to automatically detect and measure the length of the irrigation lines laid out in the fields as shown below. What ...
Makarand's user avatar
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Why do my cookies delete when I refresh my page?

I am building a full stack MERN application and am using cookies. My login route looks something like this:'/login', async (req, res) => { console.log("Trying to login...") ...
Brice Joseph's user avatar
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Search Data using jquery from HTML table

I am trying to write an application using python and i am trying to fetch data from mysql DB. After fetching data i want to add a ajax search query to filter the users. when I open the html file ...
Dileep's user avatar
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Memcpy or memmove efficiency

I would like to ask about the efficiency of using the memcpy and memmove functions on ULP TI MCUs. I am aware that there are many options, such as DMA or pointers, but their use may be more ...
noName's user avatar
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Riverpod annotation for State Provider

I am new to Riverpod. I am using Riverpod Annotation to generate providers. As for Future Provider, I did it like this. @riverpod Future<void> login(LoginRef ref) async { final login = sl<...
Aiman's user avatar
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Using Twilio initiate a basic yes/no question using data from my web app

We are currently using Twilio to text out basic alerts to myself and my boss when something critical happens in our web app. Now I'd like to take it a step further. I'm thinking I need to use Twilio'...
dmikester1's user avatar
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How to set subdomain rules for CORS in express.js?

I have a Web application with the front end as a React.js app, and the back end as a Node.js app using express.js. I intend to use as little money as possible for deploying these as this is for a ...
Omkar's user avatar
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How to Export CSV without using any Package in C# (,NET Core)?

How can you create a well structured csv file without using any packages in .NET core. And use class Keys as Header. public class TestArray { public string LastName{ get; set; } ...
Ashish Prajapati's user avatar
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Clipped parts of the image extend beyond the boundaries of the container in flutter

I have one image container. when clip image that time some image part is show outside of the container. i add one image the right side of image part outside of container. child: Container( ...
Harsh Rajpara's user avatar
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how to authentication LDAP without field userPassword in Golang

i stuck with authentication user in Golang here below is all LDAP field all LDAP field here below is my code func NewLDAP(cfg config.LDAPConfig) (*Ldap, error) { conn, err := ldap.DialURL(cfg.Host)...
obpt's user avatar
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Curling a website to download a pdf is not working properly

I have a one VM setup locally with NGINX curl -L --referer ";auto" -o test.pdf "
jonahbardos's user avatar
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How to get a Database file from a PHP project?

If there are projects on Github on PHP but without their databse.sql files, is there any methods of running that application or is it not possible? Because the projects do not have .sql files, so the ...
jadhav kumar's user avatar
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Work with data filtered by Slicers in Google Sheets?

I have a worksheet on Google Sheets: I have two slicers. One is to load questions based on category, and the ...
crxssrazr93's user avatar
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Power BI Map Visual Bubbles Disappear After Adding Legend or Bubble Size Field

I am using Latitude/Longitude coordinates to plot location points on a map. The bubbles appear fine when just the Lat & Long fields are input into the Power BI normal Map visual. However, when I ...
Rice's user avatar
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Unable to copy Disk Snapshot to Azure Blob storage 'CannotVerifyCopySource' Error

I am trying to copy my snapshot into a BLOB container on Azure but I am getting this error CannotVerifyCopySource Message Server failed to authenticate the request. Please refer to the information in ...
progrAmmar's user avatar
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Is there a way to have an image show its right side when resized and cropped for mobile?

I am making a website and I have a cover image as the background to a masthead section. The image is set with background-size: cover. When the website is scaled for mobile, the right side of the ...
changesquare's user avatar
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Sender and receiver program in C [closed]

Please write software for two programs in C, a sender and a receiver. Receiver program will generate square wave using two tasks. one task will open tcp/ip port and listen to commands from the sender ...
nocode's user avatar
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Removing reCAPTCHA challenge during Firebase SMS verification in Flutter app for Android and iOS

I'm developing a Flutter app that utilizes Firebase phone number authentication for user verification. However, during the SMS verification process, users are encountering reCAPTCHA challenges, which ...
axay nar's user avatar
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Firestore Listener Returning Empty Array

I have a complex use case where I need to get some initial data, then add a Firestore Snapshot Listener. My code below works initially, however, when I update a document that matches the listeners ...
David Henry's user avatar
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aws s3 PreSignedUrl used once and expired

Is there a way to use aws s3 PreSignedUrl only once and then expire PreSignedUrl? You can shorten the PreSignedUrl expiration time, but I think that is wrong.
HamTory's user avatar
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Need to reduce the time taken for count query in Db2

I have a table, with indexing on "column A". Using normal select count(*) from table gives me the result in 1.5 minutes as the table has 1 billion rows and 118 columns. I tried using select ...
Edvin Guromin's user avatar
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automate image deployment using PXE

I want to create a image creation and deployment solution on network using PXE for windows. I know I need to create a PXE server for that - I am using this microsoft doc to try to create a PXE server -...
Vasu Gupta's user avatar
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Apple Silicon - Could not find module *** for target 'x86_64-apple-ios-simulator'; found: arm64-apple-ios-simulator, at: ***

When I build an XCode project with the Apple Silicon chip, I have some issues. The project contains Pods and Swift Packages.I could not run the application at all and always got the following error:...
정지우's user avatar
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NgxSummernote is not working in angular 17

i am updating my angular 12 project to angular 17 SSR. here i am using the following versions "@angular/animations": "^17.0.0", "@angular/common": "^17.0.0", &...
Sanket Jain's user avatar
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How to add templates to your images using the Webmorph package in R

I've uploaded images to R that I want to process with the Webmorph package, especially manipulate the face colour. However, I cannot workout how to 'add a template to these images' as I kept getting ...
Anna Jansson's user avatar
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Execution failed for task ':app:mergeLibDexDebug'. error white dexing

ERROR:D:\l_store\build\url_launcher_android\intermediates\runtime_library_classes_dir\debug\io\flutter\plugins\urllauncher\WebViewActivity$1.class: D8: java.lang.NullPointerException FAILURE: Build ...
Najam ALI's user avatar
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Resizable panes with resize cursor not functioning as expected

I'm trying to create two resizable panes side by side in HTML, where users can adjust the size of each pane by dragging a resize handle. I've added CSS to display a resize cursor when hovering over ...
Jenad Morgh's user avatar
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when i run my Android Studio application and clicking on one of the ListView items causes it to force close, why? heres my logcat

FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process: com.example.tgscustomlistview, PID: 9734 android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: Unable to find explicit activity class {com.example.tgscustomlistview/com.example....
ST. Amanda Almira's user avatar
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how to career Growth in FAANG company?

I have total 8 years experince 2 years in linux Admin. My Growth is too low, i want to somthing grow like FAANG caompany , what is way can swicth to devlopment fields like software engineer. any one ...
ranjeet Kumar's user avatar

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