I am not trying to rectify a pair of stereo images but I am getting a strange error from the function

Error using rectifyStereoImages (line 106)
Not enough input arguments.

Error in RealTimeProcessing>captureButton_Callback (line 134)
[I1Rect, I2Rect] = rectifyStereoImages(I1, I2,stereoParams);

The line of code I have written is

[I1Rect, I2Rect] = rectifyStereoImages(I1, I2,stereoParams);

As you can see, the two images and the stereoParameters are present. I obtained the stereoParams by using the Stereo Camera Calibration Tool in MATLAB. Is there some input I am missing? The link to files are here. I have included the two input images and the stereoParams.

  • It gives me a path to rectifyStereoImages.m files /Applications/MATLAB_R2015b.app/toolbox/vision/vision/rectifyStereoImages.m Apr 24, 2016 at 14:50
  • It works when I use this tutorial. But I have calibrated my cameras so I am using this and it gives that error. Apr 24, 2016 at 14:54

1 Answer 1


What does class(stereoParams) return?

rectifyStereoImages function has two syntaxes: calibrated and uncalibrated. For the calibrated case it takes the two images and a stereoParameters object. For the uncalibrated case it takes the two images and two projective transformation objects of class projective2d.

From what you've written it seems that your stereoParams is actually a projective transform object. In that case, rectifyStereoImages goes into the uncalibrated mode, and expects two of them.

  • I ran class(stereoParams) and realized the stereoParams object I had was stored as an 1x1 object with the original stereoParams inside it. So I just replaced the line [I1Rect, I2Rect] = rectifyStereoImages(I1, I2,stereoParams); with [I1Rect, I2Rect] = rectifyStereoImages(I1, I2,stereoParams.stereoParams); It works perfectly now. Thank You. Apr 28, 2016 at 11:19

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